If you want to resolve your ME/CFS or Long COVID, you need to choose a program with a proven track record that has worked for lots of other people. We have that track record.

On this page, you will be able to watch and read almost 100 success stories. That's more than any other ME/CFS or Long Covid resolution program out there.

All of the following testimonials are 100% accurate and verifiable.

Some names have been changed for anonymity at the request of the participant.

Megan's Story

When I first started your program, my energy was around 4/10, and I struggled with blurry vision, dizziness, neuropathy, and fatigue. Even simple tasks like grocery shopping were difficult, and I couldn’t fully engage with my kids.

After working with you, my energy is now at 8/10. I can exercise, work a four-day-a-week job, and care for my family. My symptoms have nearly disappeared, and my sensitivities have decreased dramatically. The combination of mindset work, nervous system retraining, and your guidance has been life-changing.

I highly recommend your program to anyone dealing with similar issues!

Laura's Story

After battling long-haul COVID and extreme fatigue, I can now say my energy is a steady 8 or 9 out of 10—a huge improvement from where I started. I feel fantastic! I'm back to living life fully—not just physically, but emotionally and mentally as well.

I’m able to exercise, go to work, and most importantly, be fully present for my loved ones as a mother, wife, and friend. There’s no price you can put on that kind of transformation.

It’s been a journey filled with ups and downs, but with the right support and guidance, I’ve learned that healing is possible, and now, life is good again!

Elizabeth's Story

Before starting the program, my energy was, I'd say, about a 2/10. But now, I feel a solid 7 or 8.

And on good days, it's about a 9/10. There's so much more that I'm doing. I have a life. I can go outside the house. I can have people over to stay and laugh with them and dance again. And I'm working again. I was really pleased that I joined.

I was probably one of the very first people to join when you actually started the program. 

Thank you because. I am where I am now because of being part of the program.

Mary's Story 

My energy was a 3/10 when I started Evan Hirsch’s program. Now it is an 8/10.

I have doubled the number of clients that I'm able to see. I can manage a complicated office practice. I think the testing for heavy metals and molds (mycotoxins) were really helpful because they were so concrete. But the best thing I would say of working with you was that I knew that you really understood what it was like to have fatigue.

I knew I could be completely honest and tell you when I was struggling, if I had a problem finding words, and you were very, very tolerant and it was a normal thing. I was not a strange bird. I was someone who just had an illness. So that was very helpful.

Jessica's Story

Jessica got COVID in December 2020, took medications, and got a lot better. But, she was still waking up almost every night with awful tachycardia, sweating, feels breathless and restless, had insomnia, and nervous system sensitivity. She couldn't exercise and was limited in her ability to work.

Now, she can work as she needs to and be fully present in her life. She's able to drive, go to work, take care of her daughter, cook, and lives joyfully. She is the Founder and CEO of The Integrative Women's Health Institute and does lecture at conferences all over the world. 

Joanne's Story

I had been ill since 2012, with multiple symptoms.

I had brain fog all the time and severe panic attacks. On bad days, I just stay in bed. I couldn't think. It was hard to do anything.

My energy would have been like 1 or 2/10. But now, my energy is 8 or 9/10.

Sometimes I almost feel like I overdo it because it's like the exuberance that comes with feeling energy at all. The feeling that your brain is working.

Alice's Story

I have been sick for 15 years. I was just dead tired all the time.

I had spent weeks and weeks in bed, at times. But now, my energy is up to, sometimes, 8/10. I have a life. I'm functioning.

Patsy's Story

When I first started the EnergyMD program, my energy level was a 2-3/10. I was depressed and not feeling well at all. It had been going on for 15 years and was worse the last 4 years. I had seen multiple doctors without improvement.


My energy is now an 9/10! I'm so impressed that through the program, I was able to understand what was going wrong in my body and able to fix it.  I am so grateful.

Marian's Story

I have more energy and a more positive outlook, I feel more resilient. I felt tired a lot of the time and had a tired, achy cloud hanging over me on a daily basis... I was having trouble sleeping. I might get one or two hours of sleep (per night) always waking very tired. Then I started Evan Hirsch’s program... (now) I awake refreshed in the morning.

I'm ready to face my day. I have the energy and a more positive outlook as well. I feel more resilient. I sleep better at night, and I'm having regular sleep cycles. I have not had a single allergy event since I started the EnergyMD Program with Evan Hirsch.

Kathy's Story

Evan's Program is treating the causes, and they're going away! I had 15–20 years of struggles. Extremely low energy that would take me days to recover from... Now my energy is much better...

The testing that you recommended provided information that nobody else had given me… I just returned from my trip to Italy and hiking up some of those hills. I felt like I was in much better shape even than some of my younger colleagues were!

Pat's Story

Pat discusses her experience with Micki (our health coach), the group live Q&As with Evan and the EnergyMD Program.

Stephanie's Story

"No more thumb pain, no more joint pain, no more thyroid medication, 9/10 energy."

David's Story

Now I can go for walks almost every day!

I was tired a lot...but now I've gone walking up to seven miles in a day. Now I can do more and I have an attitude of wanting to do more.  Since beginning the EnergyMD Program, I would say my energy is 8 out of 10 (10 is ideal). I'm also sleeping like a baby.

Amber's Story

I was a Bartonella nightmare...I had really poor quality sleep. I had very intense joint achiness everywhere. It was in my neck, my knees, and my lower back.

I had a lot of muscle cramps and random wrist pain and other random pains all over the place. I had pretty intense food allergies. Then I also got exhausted.


I was more tired than I had ever been in my entire life, so I knew something was wrong...now I have no more palpitations, insomnia, anxiety attacks or muscle cramps... Energy is much better, and I sleep like a baby. My neck feels great, my knees feel great.  I was a runner and athlete, and the joint pain that came on really, really took a tremendous toll on my athletic abilities. I'm able to hike and run without problems now. I feel like working out again, which makes me happy.

Tom's Story

It was a mess - complete exhaustion, energy is at 3/10 I was not bedridden, I was still getting up and going to work. But I really had no life outside just being tired and trying to survive.

I've been to a lot of practitioners seeking help. Nobody would ever find anything on blood work.

They say, “Oh, you're just fine.” I felt horrible and just really didn't have an avenue for how to get help until I found your office. Now I hover between 7 and 9.

You've been awesome. Most of your supplements the last four months helped! I haven't crashed at all, and even went through COVID with all this and somehow crawled out of all that. I now enjoy activities outside of work, I had a lot longer, busier day. But it was fun instead of being exhausting.

Take a risk. It's not cheap. But you know if I get my life back, it's worth every penny. In this case, I did.

Justin's Story

My energy before was a 6/10. I would take naps during my lunch break just to have energy to get through my work day. I had strange muscle spasms, muscle cramps, and digestive problems.

My fatigue caused me to sit for too long. I was hardly moving, which started atrophying other parts of my body. Now, I'm at an 8.5 to 9/10. I can finally do physical therapy to reverse all the atrophy, and I'm getting to the end of that progress. I picked up a gym membership. I'm keeping a diet and exploring other diets. I don't take naps during the day anymore.

I can now take walks around the block more than a mile, without pain, or running out of breath, or energy decline. I'm able to sleep 6–7 hours, a far cry from the 3 -4 hours before.


My sense of smell is coming back, and now food tastes different. I now have the energy to get a promotion, which means I make more money, and I've more than covered the cost of the program. I'm getting a return on investment on it. I've been to several doctors over 10 years and nobody figured it out.

Kendra's Story

At the time, I was about maybe about five years into a struggle with chronic fatigue. So I hired Evan.

We cleared a lot of infections and did a lot of detox. It was truly amazing because now it is spring 2022, and I feel the best that I felt since my 20s. Overall, my energy is back, I'm sleeping really well. I feel like a totally different person.

That feels excellent to say, considering that seven years ago, I didn't even think I'd ever get better, and I was feeling hopeless. Thank you so much, Evan. I really appreciate everything you've done for me. Work with Evan, he's great!


-Kendra Perry, Business coach for health coaches

Jacob's Story

Jacob has always been a big go-getter. Who played baseball in college and was training for the army.

But unfortunately, he was suffering from regular fatigue and brain fog episodes.

Then he found about EnergyMD with the objective of increasing his energy and improving his health, now thanks to Evan and the whole EnergyMD team... Jacob has being able to progress very quickly and found himself with an energy of 8 out of 10 in just 2 months.

Will's Story

It was really hard for me to get out of bed. I had to sustain myself with caffeine throughout the day and right when I come home from work. It's basically just a crash on the couch...

I started with an energy of 3/10, and now on a daily basis, I would say it's a 10.

It's just amazing! Now I make it through the day with no caffeine, no crashes, I get off work, I have like the same energy I did at 10 am, so now coming home is like an enjoyable experience.

Christy's Story

I was tired. I would come home from work and lie down, then get up and have dinner, then go back to bed.

I was running a business with 30 employees and couldn't handle the stress. I had seen doctors and business coaches, but nothing helped.

Since the EnergyMD Program, my energy is much better. I can handle stress at work. I can enjoy the time outside of work with my kids. My energy was a 3/10, now it is 9/10. 

Kelly's Story

Thanks to this program. After hitting a roadblock in my recovery, joining the program was a game-changer. From a 4 to an 8 in just a year, I regained my energy and joy for life. Medication and mindset work were key; now, I'm back to traveling and cherishing moments with my family.

The availability of resources, even for international clients like myself in Germany, made the journey seamless and accessible. It's truly been a transformative journey, and I'm grateful for the support that brought my life back.

Susie's Story

I struggled with severe fatigue, rating my energy at 2/10. Additionally, I had multiple symptoms including hives, IBS, and allergies.

After working with you, my energy improved significantly to 8/10. Your personalized care and thoughtful supplement management made a huge difference in my health and quality of life.

I highly recommend your approach for anyone facing similar challenges.

Laurie's Story

I had multiple medical problems before, like chronic fatigue, insomnia, constipation, diarrhea, bloating, gas, belching, low appetite, confusion, brain fog, recurring flu-like symptoms, sugar cravings, anxiety, depression, PTSD, weakness, enlarged lymph nodes, clogged ears, and minimal mental, emotional, or physical stimulation.

But now, I have a solid self-care routine that I practice daily. I am connected to an international community on this path to healing and wholeness with a whole new level of support.

In 6 months, many symptoms have improved, which gives me hope that as I continue to practice and implement what I have learned, that I will continue to get even healthier. I can now get out of bed in the mornings and look forward to my daily self-care routine. I am now able to exercise more than I could at the beginning of the program.


I am sleeping, digesting and eliminating better. I can interact with people around me in a more resourced way because I feel better. My life is SO much better! Thanks to what I have learned. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Alex's Story

Evan Hirsch has a wealth of knowledge, a good attitude, and a great heart. He really sees healing through a holistic lens.

I appreciate how he understands the connection between the body, mind, emotions, and an individual's unique life purpose in regard to optimal health.

Before finding Evan, I had no answers to what was going on with me.

As a long time client of his, I can proudly say that Evan has been a huge part of my healing recovery. I have gone from being sick and in bed to living a life aligned with my highest calling.

I recommend Evan to anyone who has a complex chronic illness/fatigue situation that needs someone who can come at a situation from many different angles and get to the core of what is going on.

Michelle's Story

My energy was low, I felt lethargic even after 12 or hours of sleeping. I had seen several doctors to try and help me resolve my health issue, with no success.

A friend suggested I watch one of Evan Hirsch’s YouTube videos. I instantly felt some relief, here is a doctor who fully understands the nature of my problem.

For one year, we worked together. Evan was able to get to the root cause of my problem.

He has addressed my concern including the fatigue, hair loss, depression and poor sleep. Today, my symptoms are alleviated, and I am able to work. I feel optimistic and now have a more positive outlook. It was the best decision I made to see Evan Hirsch!

Brianna's Story

I have known Evan Hirsch for many years as his client and know him to be a dedicated and skilled practitioner. My medical history and condition is complex and at times utterly disheartening. After several aggressive and negative experiences in other practices and medical settings, I was hesitant to seek help, then I found Evan.

He was what I needed. He listened, was respectful, honored my knowledge of my own health and experiences. He was gentle and supportive. He believed me about my symptoms and the effect they had on my life.

He respected which therapies were a good match for me that I wanted to try and over the intervening years has been an essential support, always bringing new information and resources to our efforts.

With his support and encouragement, we have found several effective therapies that have made improvements is my health, energy and quality of life. I would wholeheartedly recommend him.

Joshua's Story

I have been on the program for about 3 months and have seen an amazing improvement in energy and mental clarity.

Thankful for Evan and everyone else involved, keep up the great work!

Sabrina's Story

I don't want a doctor who just treats symptoms. I want to know why I have the symptom, where it came from, and to get rid of it.

When my husband heard about Evan, I began to see him. I finally felt a doctor got it. He listens! I cannot recommend him enough!

Janine's Story

I’m having a lot of success with Evan Hirsch’s program. His program really works for me!

He and his team are available via an online portal and I always get my questions answered either there or in his many scheduled calls.

His bedside manner is lovely, and his team is top-notch. I feel really supported in my health journey, and my blood tests show that I am doing better. Best of all, I feel better!

M.S.' Story

After doing what Evan recommended, I am a changed man. I feel better than I have felt in 20 years. Feeling better has given me an optimism combined with energy like I haven’t felt since I was in my 30’s.

I have been given a life like I never thought I would have again. Overall, I feel 20 to 30 years younger (I’m 68).

Thank you, Evan. I’ll never be able to repay you for what you have given me.

Rebecca's Story

I felt like I was on death’s door when I went to see Evan. Finding a doctor who was able to immediately zero in and was right about everything that I had was a miracle in my life. I had chronic, debilitating fatigue and awful migraines.

I couldn’t get out of bed. Evan found Bartonella, mold, Epstein Barr virus and H. pylori, and we treated these and my life turned around. I have hope for life. I am no longer bedridden and am on the fast track to full health recovery. Thank you Evan!

Dora's Story

I have much more energy now, so I'm able to start projects I can't kick off before - like clearing out after 20+ years in the house. The effects of the adrenal and thyroid supplements, the change in my sleeping arrangement, and the additional movements/exercises from having more energy made a big difference to me. I'm sleeping better now.

It's a reassuring feeling to have a plan, to follow a program, and to have the opportunity to ask questions.

Pati's Story

If you want a solution to your complicated health problems and are willing to put in the effort, you will see results like nowhere else.

Take this rare opportunity to get the help you really need. You will not be disappointed.

Renee's Story

I’m very impressed with this practice. I’ve been coming here for several years for complex issues and my health has been greatly improving.

I think it’s as good as it gets!

Elaine's Story

I participated in Evan Hirsch's EnergyMD Program and was consistently impressed with his kind and caring nature and the depth of his knowledge about the causes and treatments for chronic illness.

His whole team was great, no question left unanswered. Evan is always looking for ways to deliver more value to program participants.

He answers his own email too, rather than passing it off on assistants.

Healing from chronic illness is a marathon, not a sprint. I'd recommend Evan for any program he's involved with.

Karen's Story

I am filled with gratitude for the Energy MD Program! Flight delays on our way to vacation in Kauai caused me to go 36 hours without sleep starting Tuesday at 6:00 am. Finally, on Wednesday, I got some rest! Today, Thursday, I am still functional, although not overly energetic, and I am enjoying myself! I know I could not have done this before this program!

...the largest thing that has occurred since starting your program is my improvement of mood. I have had bouts of depression during most of my life, but now I feel happy and joyful most of the time and see more beauty in the universe than I have seen in my first 70 years of life. Thank you for your wonderful, supportive program!

I’m not sure that you give yourself enough credit for how enjoyable and inspiring you are in videos (and also on Zoom calls). I could listen to you every day!

I feel so much better since starting the program. I have more stamina and don’t have intense head pressure every day.

T.S.' Story

Evan has helped me achieve much higher levels of energy, weight loss, pain reduction (from food allergies – dairy and gluten). I feel the clock has been reversed, as I now feel 10 years younger than I did since I started seeing Evan Hirsch 3–4 years ago.

I have also had resolution of the depression, the fatigue and the brain fog — I am more focused, organized and alert. Thanks to Evan Hirsch for your help!

Janice's Story

Within a month of focusing attention to my true health issues. I’ve lost belly fat. I sleep much better now!

My energy level has improved. I’m coping with high stress levels without having to take conventional antianxiety medication.

Life just has a more positive spin. Thank You for providing an alternative way to health.

Paula Dicus' Story

Hang in there! Evan Hirsch can help. The Fix Your Fatigue book is helping me. I haven’t even added in all the basic supplements yet and am already feeling better.

The treatment schedule to print out from the book is wonderful. It will really help you keep track of your supplements. Plus, on the symptom calendar, I keep track of when and how much of a new supplement I add and then change the total amount on the treatment schedule. That way, I can backtrack if there is a problem. Evan Hirsch is right through go slow.

The first day I added in B12, I felt very strange - the wired but tired feeling he talks about in the book. Now I’m up to 2 mg per day of B12 and ready to add more, not to mention the other vitamins. I knew I couldn’t tolerate B12 before his book, but I didn’t know why. So I ordered the hydroxo B12 and no additional pain! Yay! There is hope, just hang in there!

J.M.'s Story

After seeing Evan Hirsch for 4 years, I can honestly say this is the best I have felt in a very long time. I do not have anxiety like I did - it is well maintained now. I have more energy, my moods are stable, and I feel like doing things and going places.

Since I have been under Evan Hirsch’s care I have not needed my asthma medicine in over a year and my allergies have gone to almost nothing. I was the type of person who took all kinds of medicine almost every day just to get by.

I was worried about my throat closing from my allergies, and I can honestly say I really don’t even think about that anymore. I have to thank Evan Hirsch from the bottom of my heart because I actually feel like I have a life again.

Jessica's Story

Evan Hirsch’s program is a life-saver.

Sherry's Story

Did I improve? Yes, I was thrilled to have Evan as my doctor. I got names for what I had. He was the first to try anything useful to increase my energy.

Yuri S.' Story

I absolutely LOVE the Evan!!! They are magical and amazing! I searched for TWENTY years to find out what was wrong with me, and they diagnosed me in a month and a half!! Unbelievable!!! I have Lyme disease.

I have heard some people speak disparagingly to Evan Hirsch, saying they diagnose people with Lyme when they don’t have it. I will tell you this – every time I go on a treatment to kill the Lyme I feel terrible (that is what is supposed to happen), and they are things that wouldn’t bother somebody else – like sauna. I ended up deciding to take three months off work so that I could really treat it aggressively.

I am doing SO much better than before that, but I still have ways to go. Lyme is a terrible disease. The EnergyMD Method have been an amazing support throughout this whole process.

Elise's Story

Evan, never have I ever come across such a unique person and practitioner like you.

His course very skilled and knowledgeable in your work. But what amazes me most is your people skills. Being so attentive, caring and inclusive. I can only speak for myself, but after a couple of decades seeing so many different practitioners etc. I’ve never felt so grateful, so amazed, so understood, so respected and seen as a person before. I’m so happy and lucky to be a part of this program, and this community.

And by being guided and supported by you. You really deserve some credit for doing this job and taking care of us all so well.

Giving the little extra as you do, makes a huge difference for me! I guess I'm not alone feeling this way. Thank you with all of my heart!

L. Goodman's Story

I have had contact with many health care providers, and your program is the only one I could honestly and enthusiastically endorse...

Evan's program gave me the support, information, and access to inner justification in order to take the scary leap into mold remediation, even though locally, due to ignorance, I seemed like a crazy lady who asks weird things from the contractor...

I know what it is like, deliberating whether to make a financially large investment in one's well-being, and how important it is to be led by someone you trust both professionally and ethically.

I am so happy I succeeded in committing and being loyal enough to myself in order to go through the remediation, and am so looking forward to continuing the process.

Melita's Story

I have been in Evan Hirsch’s program for a little over a year now. After being sick for several years and seeing every practitioner from conventional medicine to alternative methods, I am finally having success in health. I thought I would never be able to be active or work again, as well as be the wife and mother that I used to be.

My brain was so foggy, my emotions were all over the place and I had no energy. This winter, I took up skiing again! This program is amazing. I can see the entire program from start to finish, so I know what’s next and it’s self-paced. I have saved so much time with this online program. I used to spend hours each day driving to appointments. Now I ask questions to Evan and his team anytime via the online community forum or get on a Zoom call several times a month with him.

He is very responsive and extremely supportive. The healing process takes a lot of effort, but I feel so supported whether it’s from Evan, his team, or others in the program."

Caitlin's Story

Evan was invaluable in helping me understand and tackle my heavy metal, mycotoxin and stealth infections. He was highly knowledgeable, there for me in some tough moments and helped steer me towards a gentle healing protocol that was crucial for my condition and disposition, while also completely honoring my own intuition and body.

I appreciated his holistic approach to healing and wide knowledge of infections not understood by most doctors.

Helga's Story

I’m thankful for Evan's expert guidance with my detox. My decade long fatigue is much less.

I value that he is addressing a variety of fatigue causes and giving necessary information for rebalancing each. Caring and knowledgeable, he has put together a clear and detailed program for guidance and understanding.

His program makes his work more affordable than "1 on 1 sessions" only. He gives generously of his time to every person during the “group Q&A sessions”. I learn from explanations and suggestions to my own and others’ questions. The online group post is another constant opportunity for answers to any arising questions.

Missy's Story

I LOVE it (the program) and highly recommend it. I'm pleasantly surprised by how hands-on Evan Hirsch is and how patient he is. I'm up to 2.5 weeks of really wonderful energy followed by a 1 or 2-day crash (depending on any stressful event(s).

Followed by 2.5 weeks of good energy. I think if I lived alone, with all the money I needed and no obligations other than what I wanted to do- I would have energy all day every day.

Dominique's Story

I always had fatigue for the past 30 years or so, but this has been increasingly diminished since I started your program. It has worked wonders!


I have more energy now that I'm 52 than when I was 20.

Ali's Story

Dear Evan Hirsch, I've never had a doctor who is supportive and as knowledgeable as you are. Believe me, I've looked. I'm grateful for you and your team every day!

Dana's Story

I finally found Evan Hirsch after years of being sick and unable to get a diagnosis from anyone else. After going through his program, I’m treating the reasons I have been so sick.

My life is changed drastically, and I continue to participate in his group sessions. He is very available & supportive to his clients.

Evelyne's Story

When I first started Evan’s program, I had many undiagnosed symptoms that mainstream medicine was calling Rheumatoid Arthritis. My energy was 1/10. I would work all week and sleep all weekend. I couldn’t walk without a walker or a cane, I couldn’t carry my own purse. I was in chronic pain, and it took me 40 mins to get out of bed in the morning.

Evan’s program found infections and heavy metals at the root of my problem, Slowly, and carefully I removed these causes. I am single and was working a high-stress job, so I needed to continue working while I was going through treatment. The treatment was supportive and enabled me to work and get better.

I now have energy of 7-8/10 every day and my energy doesn’t crash at 3pm anymore. I have no more pain, and I’m actually able to workout!


I was even able to take on a new job that is more demanding and more lucrative. My life is night and day compared with how I was before I began Evan’s program.


I really like that it uses natural treatments primarily. Thank you, Evan, for giving me my life back!

Vicky's Story

When I first joined the program, my sleep was awful and I had chronic fatigue!

I was only sleeping a few hours per night. I had fatigue, anxiety and severe hopelessness. I didn’t think I was ever going to get better. I had lots of weird symptoms – chest pain, sweating, stomach issues, tightness in the stomach, no appetite (I had lost 45 lbs), numbness and hot/cold in both feet and hands.

The program found the causes! I found that I had several infections (including Bartonella and Babesia), heavy metals, poor adrenal and sex hormone function.

Now, my life is so much better! 180 degree difference. I am sleeping through the night. I have all the energy I want during the day, and my appetite is back. I am so much better and without drugs!


Socially, I am also doing much better. When I didn’t feel well, I isolated myself. Now, I’m more involved with my family, I can travel again and my quality of life is much, much better.

It’s a blessing to wake up every day and think, ‘I feel good!’ instead of feeling hopeless. I would highly encourage everyone with fatigue (and my associated symptoms above) to join one of Evan's programs. Evan is getting at the causes instead of putting a band-aid on it. He took away the hopelessness and gave me so much gratitude!

Juanita's Story

I am so grateful for the amazing good day I had today!!! Thank you, Evan and all the team! You all are part of this miracle.

I will say I was rebellious the first 4 months in the program because I wanted instantaneous results w/no appreciation of Evan's slow build up of the whole system before focusing on the causes. I forgot that the reason I had come to the program was that my best thinking and efforts had failed over and over. So, in the 5th month, I wrote as part of my daily practice that ''I am dedicated to following Evan's Program''.

Now, I am starting step 4 of the protocol and had such an amazing experience. I have a clear mind, strength body, pain is reducing every day, etc... Today I am so grateful! Now I choose to stick to the program because it is working!!

Thanks, Evan, for the unconditional love during my stumbling times! This is amazing!

John's Story

I spent a few years as a client of Evan Hirsch, MD. I learned a lot about my bodily functions and lifestyle habits affecting my health and well-being.

Evan knows functional medicine inside and out and has the ability to communicate its benefits to his clients. He will get to the root cause of your illness, and certainly did for me.

His healing modalities and protocols are top of the line in the functional medicine world. Evan is not only a great help, he is also a great teacher.

I experienced improvements in sleep, focus, energy, nutritional awareness, exercise and overall well-being.

Now I have the knowledge and information I need to keep improving my health as I continue my life's journey.

Noah's Story

I'm about 60 days into the program, and I am already making surprising, unexpected progress. I went from a 6/10 energy to 8/10!

L.S.' Story

My energy is better than it has been in years, as is my capacity for physical exercise. My energy is up to a 7.5-8/10. I have had a tremendous improvement in my memory as well.

Stephanie's Story

Seven months ago, I didn't know what to try next to help with my severe chronic fatigue. I found Evan Hirsch serendipitously while doing a search on YouTube for another doctor that I saw on a health summit.

As I listened to his approach, I liked what I heard. I joined his program, FixYourFatigue (later EnergyMD), and went to work.

This has been quite a journey, and by following his recommendations, my energy levels have greatly improved. Evan Hirsch is the real deal.

He knows what to do, meets you where you are, and is willing to give his all to help you get better. I am grateful that Evan Hirsch has made this program available for those who suffer with fatigue, and I am very happy that I chose it.

Nicolas' Story

My fatigue began when I was 15, and I reached my lowest point at 20. I was at 25% percent of my capacity. Then I started to do all the research that I could and to apply all sort of lifestyle changes. I went back to around 40%, but for some reason I reached a plateau. That's when I came across Evan Hirsch's program.

It helped me to take my energy to another level by looking at all the causes. I discovered I had a low thyroid, gut dysfunction and a mercury toxicity. 

The program was the key to my recovery, along with a few other strategies like amygdala retraining. Now I'm back to more than 80% and on my way to 100%, my health and energy getting better each month.

I'm back in the gym, working full time, and enjoying a fulfilling social life in Paris. Thank you Evan!

Sarah's Story

My anxiety and depression resolved and my energy and brain fog improved. I found the guidance on the calls and online community to be very helpful.

I appreciate the structure of the program and really enjoyed the online community.

Henrik's Story

Evan's help, guidance and education have been invaluable, and I benefited greatly from his program.

Nanabe's Story

Dr. Hirsch is knowledgeable, patient, and professional. He approached my numerous symptoms in a full spectrum way with a structured step-by-step plan that was gentle on my body and improved my quality of life drastically.

He cares and takes his time specializing an individual plan. He gave me my quality of life back and for that I forever grateful and really can't recommend him enough. Thank you.

Paul's Story

I had tried various approaches to address a troubling health issue but hadn't found any success. However, after just one meeting with Dr. Evan, he provided a recommendation that has led to significant improvement since I started following it. With Evan's support, I am now exploring additional opportunities to enhance my overall health.

Evan is a holistic thinker, a skilled practitioner, and a kind and generous person.

Trudi's Story

Dr. Hirsch has been my doctor for several years. I trust him with my life….literally. He gets to the root of health issues and begins treatment immediately. He is fully present, a great listener and has a holistic approach to assessment and care.

Dr. Hirsch is kind, empathetic and supportive. It is clear that he is passionate about what he does and I have benefited greatly. I am so grateful that I am in his care.

Helen's Story

Learning of ways to mediate issues that hinder my energy levels, I have made progress with my fatigue. Dr. Hirsch shares his depth of knowledge with much kindness.

Having the understanding of others going through similar issues is both educational and supportive.

Luccia's Story

Dr. Hirsch is the only doctor I have seen in 40 years who has been able to listen, understand, diagnose, and direct me to the right supplements and practices for healing.

He is kind, respectful, responsive, very skilled and competent. I highly recommend working with Dr. Hirsch.

Jhbielski's Story

Dr. Evan is a wonderful and caring practitioner! He has made my energy skyrocket while helping me to manage multiple medical issues.

I am feeling better than I ever have felt since first being diagnosed 28 years ago. I am so thankful to him for his amazing program.

Karen's Story

Dr. Evan Hirsch’s Energy MD Program has been very influential in helping me resolve issues with fatigue that I had for at least 20 years!

This is the most comprehensive program I have found which addresses not only the physical causes of fatigue but also the mental/emotional causes!

My energy levels have improved from a 5 to a 9 out of 10 plus my mood has improved. I no longer am experiencing bouts of depression that I had periodically for most of my life of 74 years and I have learned to view life with more gratitude.

It is never too late to improve your quality of life. It takes commitment and and a monthly expense for supplements plus the cost of the program but what is it worth to start feeling like your old self again in addition to experiencing life with more joy and awe.

Megan's Story

Dr Evan is a fabulous doctor that leads with patience, knowledge and kindness. His program is the most effective approach I’ve found to dealing with long covid, mold illness, Lyme, on top of fatigue.

He takes you through his four steps to carefully build your body up, open detox pathways and then deal with the underlying root causes.

He offers incredible support along the way through a multifaceted approach. He brings hope and healing to many who have lost hope with other practitioners. I highly recommend working with Evan Hirsch!

Christine's Story

He has provided answers and support that I was unable to find anywhere else.

I have only been in his program for less than 2 months and my sleep and digestion have improved some already.

Lorraine's Story

If you're looking for a clinic that looks at every aspect of your health to make you a healthier & happier person, this is the place to go.

I started my journey here in 2010. I'm so thankful they've been here for me for the past 8 years. Highly recommend!

Kyrin's Story

Dr. Evan Hirsch is a progressive and skilled clinician who really gets what fatigue is about and how to help people successfully navigate through healing and back to optimum health.

Using a holistic and natural approach to address the root causes of chronic fatigue he achieves outcomes that are unheard of in traditional medicine. If you have fatigue, or really any chronic health concern, you will be in excellent hands.

Yioula's Story

Very organized!! Thank you for all your help. My health now is better!

Stefan's Story

Selfless doctor! Offers for free his very good book on recoverning from cfd!!

Charly's Story

Dr. Hirsch will inform you of your diagnosis and the consequences of my predicament. He explains in detail what he suggests for those symptoms in both oral and written form.

I never had this type of association with any of my physicians before so my health was always questionable. Now, I can review my analysis and recommendations and follow up with needed changes.

Valerie's Story

Dr. Hirsch is a compassionate, smart and well respected physician in our community.

I feel so fortunate to have him as my primary care physician.

Trudi's Story

I feel so supported with such thoughtful and personalized care. Your communication/discussions/instructions are always clear and fully explained.

I so appreciate everything being fully detailed in post-session notes.

Max's Story

My experience with Dr Hirsch was great. I bought the program fix your fatigue and found it was worth the money. Dr Evan Hirsch and his team are very reactive. It helped me to take my energy to another level by looking at all causes. I discovered I had a low thyroid, gut dysfunction and a mercury intoxication.

The program was key to my recovery, along with a few other strategies, I'm back to more than 80% and on my way to 100%, my health and energy getting better each month. I'm back in the gym, working full times, and enjoying a fullfilling social life.

Micki's Story

Dr Hirsch is an amazing doctor (and person). He is a wealth of knowledge (I have learned so much for him!), a great attitude, and a big heart. He is an expert in the holistic/functional medicine model as well as the conventional way which makes working with him all-inclusive (think get better sooner).2 Column

He teaches the connection between the body and the mind which we now know is so important to healing. I recommend Dr Hirsch to anyone who has a complex chronic illness/fatigue. His toolbox is huge with his knowledge, cutting-edge testing and professional supplements that actually work. Dr Hirsch is a rare find.

John's Story

I spent 5 years as a patient of Dr. Evan. I learned a lot about my bodily functions and lifestyle habits affecting my health and well being. Dr Evan knows functional medicine inside and out and has to ability to communicate its benefits to his patients. He will get to the root cause of your illness and certainly did for me. His healing modalities and protocols are top of the line in the functional medicine world.

Dr. Evan is not only a great doctor he is also a great teacher. I experienced improvements in sleep, focus, energy, nutritional awareness, exercise and overall well being. I now have the knowledge and information I need to keep improving my health as I continue my life's journey.

Monika's Story

I couldn’t possibly praise Dr. Evan Hirsch and his team enough! He is a rare find, with his wealth of knowledge and experience, in treating conditions, that most doctors would not know what to do with.

Not only is he highly knowledged and skilled in his area of expertise, But he has taken being a doctor much further, and identified some commonly neglected hurdles that patients face, when dealing with such complex and misunderstood chronic illnesses, and developed an incredibly comprehensive and unique program.

He offers regular support via Life Q&A’s, constant email support, Coaching sessions, adtessing the emotional aspect of a health journey etc etc.

One is truly truly cared for in his program!

He is also a fun and really caring, compassionate and kind human being, and I have found him to be consistently very thorough and reliable at all times. I think what he has created is really unique, and I thoroughly recommend it!

Doug's Story

My first appointment with Dr. Hirsch was about 10 years ago. I told him and my wife that very day that I had been looking for a doctor with his approach for a long time. Simply put, he does not focus on symptoms, but looks to identify causes. What has developed since that first appointment is a valuable doctor/patient relationship unlike any I have ever had.

Dr. Hirsch cares about me and provides valuable advice and direction, largely based on listening to me about what I am feeling, looking at lab results, and knowing my family history. He always takes time with me, both listening and advising. I am confident you will find him to be a valuable asset to your personal health needs and goals.

Chad's Story

Before discovering your program, I was lost in a sea of confusion regarding my health. I never really could figure it out until I found your program. You're the first person that sort of put it all together into one big process and made it easy, breaking down the steps systematically.

Now, thanks to your guidance, I feel like I have some control over what's happening with my health and my fatigue. The workbook was instrumental in starting this journey, unraveling complex concepts into understandable explanations. The meetings with you further solidified my understanding, helping me make connections I never thought possible. Even the basic testing seemed out of reach within the medical establishment I knew, where the focus was solely on immediate solutions.

Overcoming initial skepticism about program reviews, I found your genuine care and outreach immensely reassuring. Your proactive approach and genuine concern made a world of difference, fostering trust and a sense of support. It's hard to find any negatives amidst all the positives you bring. Thank you for your dedication and support.

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