Payment plan of
$239 per month x 3 months
Amber's Story
"I was tired. I had really poor quality sleep. I had very intense joint pain everywhere. It was in my neck, my knees, and my lower back. I had a lot of muscle cramps and random wrist pain and other random pains all over the place. ... now I have no more palpitations, insomnia, anxiety attacks or muscle cramps...Energy is much better and I sleep like a baby. My neck feels great, my knees feel great. I'm able to hike and run without problems now. I feel like working out again, which makes me happy."
Will's Story
"It was really hard for me to get out of bed. I had to sustain myself with caffeine throughout the day and right when I come from work, it's basically just a crash on the couch. . . I started with probably an energy of 3 or a 4, and now on a daily basis I would say it's a 10. It's just amazing! Now I make it though the day with no caffeine, no crashes, I get off work, I have like the same energy I did at 10am in the morning, so now coming home is like an enjoyable experience.
Christy's Story
"I had a lot of fatigue. I was tired. I would come home from work and lay down, then get up and have dinner, then go back to bed. I was running a business with 30 employees and couldn't handle the stress. I had seen doctors and business coaches, but nothing helped. My energy was a 3/10. Since the EnergyMD Course my energy is much better. I can handle stress at work. I can enjoy the time outside of work with my kids. My energy is now a 9/10.
Frequently Asked Questions
Our programs are 100% online, so you don't have to live near me! You just need an internet connection, computer or phone. Our 1-on-1 and group calls are done over Zoom, and our community and course are online through an app on your phone or browser on your computer.
We can help you if you live in the USA, Canada, UK, EU, Australia and NZ. We have online supplement and laboratory stores in the USA, UK, EU and NZ to get you the tools that you need to get better.
We specialize in finding and resolving the root causes of chronic fatigue, ME/CFS, Long COVID, MCAS and complex chronic mystery illnesses.
Read on to learn why we are different from your previous providers, and why this time is going to be different:
We specialize in your specific problem. If you're not working with a specialist for your specific problem, you may never get better. Would you take your Toyota to a Nissan dealer? They may have an idea of what's going on, but there are some very specific nuances that they may never be able to fix. If you have chronic fatigue, ME/CFS, Long Covid or MCAS, you want to work with someone who has experience treating these issues. It allows you to compress time. Your local provider may be really compassionate and smart, but in order for them learn everything they need to learn to get you better, it may take them 5 or 10 years.
We specialize in addressing the "root root" causes of your issues. Most providers (even functional medicine doctors) don't want to deal with heavy metals, chemicals, molds, infections (Lyme, covid, Epstein Barr, parasites, etc.), and trauma because they are complicated to treat. Unfortunately, these are what I call the "root root" causes, and addressing them is essential to resolving your issues. If you don't address them, you won't get better. This is where we shine. We have spent the last decade specializing in the resolution of these issues.
We have a logical, proven process that has helped others just like you. One of the ways to be successful in life is to copy the path taken by someone who has accomplished what you are trying to achieve. For most things, there is a recipe, or series of steps, that when repeated, gives a similar output. It's the same with you health. I have found that when we (1) find the causes of your symptoms (step 1), and then (2) fix them in a particular order (steps 2-4), that people get better. It sounds simple, but the reality is that 99% of most providers don't know how to find your real root causes.
We provide a lot of access to support you. We guarantee a response to your questions in 2 business days, and provide 1on1 and group calls for a touch point with one of our coaches almost weekly (depending on which program you choose.
We are focused on your causes, not on the latest treatment to try. If you want to fix a problem, you have to know what the real problem is. Whether you have a problem with your car or a leaky faucet, you need to find the root cause in order permanently remove it. Any provider who is recommending a treatment that it's fixing a cause that you have is wasting your time and money.
We assess for over 30 different causes of your symptoms. We have found that everyone with ME/CFS, Long Covid and MCAS has a unique combination of 20 or more causes. This means that if your provider is only looking for 5 of these causes, that you're not going to get better.
We don't waste your money on laboratory tests that aren't helpful. Have you spent a lot of money on lab tests? Unfortunately, too many providers are focused on figuring out your causes by test instead of based on your symptoms. It turns out that 75% of your causes can be determined by your history and symptoms alone. This means that you only have to spend your money on laboratory tests that address the other 25%. These tests will assess for heavy metals, chemicals, molds and gut infections. Other tests can be supportive, but are not needed.
We have more written and video testimonials than any other fatigue specialist. If you want to know if a program is successful, ask the participants. You can see our participants here.
The EnergyMD Method has helped thousands of people hack time and get back to living the life they deserve to live. Our method was created based on years of research and discovery. It is science-backed and clinically proven. It works best as a 4-step process in this order:
IDENTIFY all of your causes
REPLACE your deficiencies
OPEN up your drainage pathways
REMOVE your toxicities
Don't recreate the wheel...take my 10+ years of experience of increasing energy and take the shortcut to the finish line. It was only through increasing my own energy and helping thousands of others increase theirs that this process became clear to me.
If you haven't thoroughly addressed all the root causes (heavy metals, chemicals, mold, infections, and trauma), then we can help you. You're either not better because you haven't found all of your causes yet, or you've found them, but haven't been able to fix them. We know that as long as we leave no stone unturned, that you will be successful. You also have to be willing and able to remove these root causes (see the next question on if you're a good fit).
You are a good fit for our programs if:
You understand that healing takes time and you're willing to commit to at least 12 months with us.
You understand that this path is going to be bumpy, but you're not going to give up and you're going to reach out for help when you need it.
You're excited to walk this path with us. (We are excited to walk it with you!)
You willing to focus on gratitude, possibility and optimism
You're open to learning about muscle testing (applied kinesiology)
You're interested in personal development
You're interested in natural remedies like food, vitamins, herbs, lifestyle habits and not prescriptions. (Though if you're already on prescriptions that's not a problem)
You're willing and able to change your food choices (if needed) and bad habits.
You're willing to trust us and our guidance. Not blind trust, but enough that you're going to implement our recommendations and see how it goes.
You're willing and able to take supplements 3-5x per day
You're willing and able to budget approximately $500-800/mo for supplements and labs
You're willing and able to budget 30-60 mins per day on daily practices
You're willing and able to work on your mindset and your emotional health
You really want to get better! Even if it means that you might be asked to help out with other things at home or go back to work.
Your family is supportive of you and of making changes in your life. For example, they are willing to eat different foods if you need to change your diet.
Resolving your fatigue and restoring your energy requires a commitment. You, your family, and your kids are worth it! After you complete the program and you have all the energy you need to enjoy your life, you will look back on these days of exhaustion with amazement that you could ever feel so tired. You will be filled with gratitude that your body can deliver such vitality. Fixing your fatigue will change your life.
It turns out that the causes of these issues are all very similar and included in the 30+ different causes that we address. How your symptoms manifest depends on which causes you have and which parts of your body have been affected. We're also able to individualize your program to the causes that you have, since everyone has a different combination of causes.
Depending on the program you choose, we have a combination of 1on1 calls, group calls, online community, workbook and course to provide you with the mental, emotional, physical and social support you need to fix your health issues.
Learn more about one-on-one programs here:
Learn more about our group programs here:
Learn more about our course here:
We have several options based on the amount of support that you want and the budget that you have.
You can see the investment for our one-on-one programs at
You can see the investment for our group programs at
You can see the investment for the course at
Payment plans are available, but are more expensive. In addition to the investment for the program, we also recommend that you budget an average of $500-800/mo for labs and supplements.
1on1 Calls with Evan: Initial visit 90 minutes, Follow-Up visits 60 minutes.
1on1 Calls with Micki: Initial visit 60 minutes, Follow-Up visits 30 minutes.
Group Calls with Evan: 90 minutes.
Group Calls with Stacy: 60 minutes.
Group Calls with Evan are alternating Tuesdays at 3pm PST and Thursdays at 10:30am PST so that we can accommodate our clients across the world.
Group Calls with Stacy (our trauma informed mindfulness coach) are every other Tuesday at 11am PST.
For our one-on-one programs:
Once you join, we will schedule you for your initial visit with Evan, which will usually happen within the first month. At this appointment, you will get a plan of everything you are going to need to implement before your next appointment and an overview of how our 4-step process will work for you.
Your subsequent visits with Evan and Micki are then scheduled for the rest of the program so that you're guaranteed to have the support you need.
In between appointments, you have the group calls and the online community to get your questions answered when there are "bumps" in the road. We guarantee a response to your questions within 2 business days, so you can continue to make progress. It's like having Evan in your back pocket! :)
For our group programs:
Once you join, you start working through the course & workbook and filling out the Step 1 Checklist to find your causes. When questions come up, you ask them in the Private Online Community or on the group calls.
Then you move on to Step 2 and start taking the supplements for the deficiency causes that you have.
And then move on to Step 3 to open the drainage pathways.
Then move on to Step 4 to remove the toxins. You attend the group to work on your mental, emotional, and physical causes.
We guarantee a response to your questions in the online community within 2 business days, so you can continue to make progress.
You develop relationships with other people in the community who understand what you're going through. You resolve your causes, resolve your symptoms and feel great!
For our course:
Once you join, you start working through the course & workbook and filling out the Step 1 Checklist to find your causes. When questions come up, you ask them in the Private Online Community or on the group calls.
Then you move on to Step 2 and start taking the supplements for the causes that you have.
And then move on to Step 3 to open the drainage pathways.
Then move on to Step 4 to remove the toxins. You attend the group to work on your mental, emotional, and physical causes.
You resolve your causes, resolve your symptoms and feel great!
Depending on the number of toxins you have and the severity of each of them will determine how fast your energy and symptoms improve. Most of the time, your energy will increase a bit after step 2 (replacing deficiencies) and then when you are removing the toxins in step 4.
The first 3 steps of the program are in preparation for removing the toxins in step 4, so you may not experience improvement until after the first three to six months. This is why all of our programs are at least 12 months in duration. I know that you want to get better as soon as possible so this may sound discouraging, but this is what works. One of the reasons why you're reading this right now is because you haven't followed a process like this.
It usually takes 12-24 months for near complete resolution depending on the number of causes that you have, the amount of time that you've had them, the severity of each cause and how fast we can resolve them based on your response to treatment.
The next step is to get on a free call with us to see if we're a good fit to work together. You can schedule at:
Or, if you want to purchase the EnergyMD Course, you can get started right away:
We practice functional medicine and environmental medicine. This means combining the best of conventional and natural medicine to find and resolve all of the causes of your health issues.
Our main tools are supplements (herbs, vitamins, minerals, etc), natural therapies (sauna, coffee enemas, vibration plate, castor oil packs, etc) and lifestyle modification (mindset, sleep, food, movement, water).
No. Everyone has a different combination of causes, which means that the supplements & labs they need are going to be different.
We recommend that you budget an average of $500-800 per month for supplements and labs. A lot of it depends on where you are in the program, the number of causes that you have, and the severity of these causes.
No, unfortunately insurance does not compensate us for the work we do.
Absolutely! If they are the same laboratory tests that I recommend, have been done in the last year or so, (but haven't been treated) and have been provoked in the same way (if needed), then it's fine to use them.
Fortunately, I have found that 75% of all the causes of fatigue can be determined by your symptoms. Treat these, and you will see significant improvements in your energy. However, the 25% that need to be assessed by labs are also very important if you want near complete resolution of your symptoms. These include heavy metals, chemicals, and molds. So, if you are not going to test, then you should consider treating these causes to make sure they are addressed. Fortunately, my natural treatments will address multiple causes at the same time. We do need to assess that you are living in a mold free environment.
Yes! In addition to our store in the United States, we also have supplement and laboratory stores in the United Kingdom, European Union and New Zealand.
Absolutely! Your local practitioner (whether MD, ND, DO, ARNP or other) will have limited knowledge around how to assess for and treat fatigue appropriately, so going through our program will be a great support to you to complement what they are providing you. It is recommended that you make them aware of what you are taking throughout the program so no supplement conflicts arise. I also recommend that you take our supplements for your fatigue and they can provide other supplements for other issues that you may be working on (cholesterol, heart health, brain health, etc.).
Absolutely. I operate as a coach in the online environment and no longer practice primary care.
Once you have completed one of our programs, if you want to continue working with us, you can renew your current program, or choose another program.
Once you have resolved your symptoms, we can work with you to prevent heart attacks, strokes, Alzheimer's and cancer, all while staying plugged into our amazing community.
Absolutely. It's one of the things we specialize in. We are experts at treating infections. Please see this page to watch and read the stories of real people that we've helped.
We can help you with the following conditions, including (but are not limited to) fatigue, Myalgic Encephalitis, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, POTS, Long COVID, Hypothyroidism, Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, Adrenal Fatigue, Lyme Disease (Borrelia, Bartonella, Babesia), Insomnia, Plantar Fasciitis, Morton's Neuroma, foot pain, Fibromyalgia, Body Pain, Panic Attacks, Anxiety, Muscle Cramps, spontaneous sweating, nocturia (waking up at night to urinate), autoimmune conditions, high blood pressure, menopause related symptoms, hormone deficiencies, heart attack and stroke prevention, cancer prevention,& more.
Yes, I am an MD, but in order to help people across state and national lines I have chosen to operate as a health coach. So you're able to get all of my functional and environmental medicine MD knowledge even when we live in different states (and countries). I also found that there is a natural option for everything and consequently I don't need to prescribe medications anymore.
In order to fulfill my purpose of helping 1 million people increase their energy and improve their health worldwide, I have to be able to help people across the world over the internet. Working online, I can also work from home and be there more for my family.
Immediately. As soon as you buy the program, an email is sent to you with all the links you'll need to access the different components of the program you purchased.
You will have access to the one-on-one & group programs for 12 months. If you purchase the course by itself, you get access for 5 years.
Absolutely. If you want to change programs, just let us know by emailing to
Yes, the one-on-one & group programs are very interactive. You get one-on-one calls, group calls, and access to the community (depending on the program) where Evan and his health coaches answer your questions directly within 2 business days.
No. You can use any of your devices such as a laptop, computer, iPad, Tablet or even your smartphone. Our online community and course materials have a very user-friendly mobile app.
Yes, the causes of fatigue are the same in children and adults. However, dosing of treatments is different. Other differences include faster shifts are usually noted in children. The only challenge that I have found is that the program does require getting feedback from the child ("how are you feeling since we started this new supplement?" etc.) so you do need to have a self-aware child who can give you that feedback. We don't generally work with children less than 15 years of age.
Absolutely. The causes of fatigue are also the causes of autoimmune, hormonal and gastrointestinal issues. All of these causes are addressed in this program. Further, if you have not been successful treating other medical conditions, then it is likely there are other causes that are inhibiting your ability to get well. These include toxicities such as heavy metals, chemicals, molds and infections.
Unfortunately, conventional doctors learn very little about environmental medicine in medical school, and many of the main causes of fatigue are environmental (heavy metals, chemicals, molds and infections). Natural and functional medicine doctors are great, but are usually generalists and are focused on other illnesses and are not aware of all of the causes of fatigue. I have this knowledge because I spent the last 10 years focused on learning about every potential cause of fatigue and how to resolve it. This is what was necessary to learn what I have learned.
Yes, they can change over time. However, once you have purchased a program, the fee wil not increase while you are still in it.
We want to make sure that you have the best experience with us and get all the support that you need. The best way to do this is to keep our numbers low.
Our prices may seem high, but when compared with other functional medicine providers, you will find that they are very reasonable. And we have the additional specialization, experience and training to help you find and address all of your causes of chronic fatigue, ME/CFS, Long COVID & MCAS.
When you work with us, you compress time. The investment you make is going to allow you to get to your goal faster. This is the benefit of choosing someone who specializes in what you are struggling with.
Whenever you look at the pricing of a program, you want to look at whether the outcome you are going to achieve is worth the investment.
When you choose to work with us, you're making an investment in your health. An investment that pays you back because when you optimize your health, you will be able to do things in your life that you weren't able to do before. Perhaps you will have the energy to do better at work, have more fun with your family, be able to travel or maybe we decrease your risk for a heart attack or stoke and you're able to live longer. It's like getting a master's degree in your health.
Is it worth a few thousand dollars (the cost of a nice vacation) to resolve your symptoms? We think so, but that's something you have to determine for you.
Since I work remotely, I cannot examine you appropriately over zoom. I have also become more specialized in my knowledge around energy, fatigue and other chronic conditions and I don't keep up on the urgent care issues. I can always make functional medicine recommendations to you when you have any issue, but I recommend that you have access to a primary care provider when you work with us for any acute and urgent issues. That said, any urgent issues that arise from your work in our program, we will be able to support.
Yes we do, and we don't require you to change how you're eating as long as you're making good food choices. We're not up on all of the vegan supplement replacements, so you will need to help us with that. Last, we may not be able to get your thyroid function to exactly where we want it if you're not able to take a thyroid glandular.
In people who are more sensitive to supplements, aren't absorbing their supplements or have MCAS, we do our best to use alternatives that can be taken topically. This bypasses the gut and decreases your chance of reaction. We also adjust dosing and frequency to allow for greater tolerance. "Start low, and go slow" is a common adage in our community. Approximately 10% of our clients have MCAS, so we have lots of experience, patience and support for you.
We have a laboratory store that will send you the labs that you need regardless of where you live and directions on how to complete them. Most of the lab tests we need are urine and stool, that can easily be collected at home and sent back in. For blood tests, we will tell you how to get the blood draw or will send you a mobile phlebotomist to do the draw.
Unfortunately, tests are notoriously bad at assessing for Lyme infections. Even the Center for Disease Control states that Lyme is a clinical diagnosis based on history and symptoms. This has been our observation as well. The Western Blot and ELISA tests are meant for epidemiologic studies and not for diagnosis.
It's less about your age and more about your ability to be organized and comfortable with technology. Since all of our contact with you is online, you need to be willing to learn how to use the basics of different software platforms like zoom and our online community (which is like a Facebook group, but not on Facebook).
To be successful in our programs, you need to have enough energy and organization to show up to the calls, arrange, order and refill your supplements, and ask questions in our online platform. We have had 80-year-olds be successful in our program because they were willing and able to do these things.
Absolutely. We are here to support you regardless of the time it takes. This is common with people who have MCAS or who can't tolerate supplements. It can take some creativity to get the therapies on board, but inevitably we do.
I will not stop any supplements that you know are currently helping you. If you're not sure, then we'll have you finish them off. For any supplements that you're taking that are similar to products I use in the program, it depends on how much you have left. I don't like wasting supplements, so I'm inclined to have you finish off what you currently have, but I also don't want you to waste time on products that aren't going to work.
Yes. Though this is only available if you are in the USA.
Yes, but only if you're interested in doing so. I can teach you how to do sway testing or pendulum testing for additional data in the moment. I was skeptical, but it has been a very helpful tool and empowering for clients.